Welcome to my website.

I am a tenure-track assistant professor of biostatistics in the Department of Mathematics, EPFL. My research focuses on methods for causal inference. I am particularly interested in settings with exposures and outcomes that depend on time, that is, longitudinal data. Many of my works are inspired by applications in clinical medicine and epidemiology.

Before I came to EPFL, I was privileged to work with Miguel Hernán and other excellent researchers at Harvard School of Public Health as a Kolokotrones research fellow and Fulbright Research Scholar. I also had the pleasure of being a part-time postdoctoral researcher under supervision of Kjetil Røysland and Odd Aalen at the University of Oslo. Before I became a full time academic, I had a short career as resident doctor in internal medicine.

I received my MD, Dr.Philos in Neuroscience and BSc in Mathematics from the University of Oslo. I also hold a Msc in Statistics from the University of Oxford.

My CV is available here.

I am currently looking for a postdoc with expertise in statistics and causal inference. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to contact me by email.